Panorama now offers screening for twin pregnancies
Panorama provides more comprehensive screening for all pregnancies
For more information please click here!
Panorama screens for trisomies 21, 18, and 13 in twin pregnancies with a combined sensitivity and specificity of >99%, as early as 9 weeks gestation. With twin pregnancies, in particular, only the Panorama screen can determine:
The Panorama screen is not appropriate for pregnancies involving twins conceived using an egg donor or surrogate, higher order multiple gestations (≥3 fetuses) or vanishing twins.
Screening options will differ between pregnancy statuses
Please use the table below to help determine which screening options are available for patients. Please note that triploidy will only be reported in singleton gestations.
Panorama identifies zygosity, helping clinicians triage twin pregnancies
Panorama helps clinicians triage twin pregnancies effectively.2–7
While chorionicity can be reliably detected early in a pregnancy, studies have shown that up to 19% of monochorionic pregnancies are incorrectly classified as dichorionic.4 Panorama allows clinicians to align their ultrasound findings with an early and accurate zygosity determination. Identifying a monozygotic twin pregnancy with Panorama can prompt earlier, targeted ultrasound assessments for chorionicity and associated complications. Knowing that a twin pregnancy is dizygotic reduces concerns about TTTS.
Panorama’s validation data shows strong confidence in twins upgrade
Updated Forms and Requisitions
Consent Forms
Twins Sample Reports