Now Proudly Serving Saskatchewan Communities: Panorama
Panorama™ provides more comprehensive screening for all pregnancies and is now available in Saskatchewan
Due to the unique SNP-based methodology Panorama screens for more clinically relevant conditions with greater accuracy, including:
• Trisomies 21, 18, and 13
• Monosomy X
• Sex chromosome abnormalities
• Zygosity in twin pregnancies
• Microdeletions (22q11.2 deletion, Angelman, Prader-Willi, 1p36 deletion, Cri-du-chat)
• Triploidy
• Vanishing twin
Panorama can provide information as early as 9 weeks of pregnancy, allowing healthcare providers to align ultrasound evaluations with NIPT results and guide care plans in pregnancies. Panorama is the only NIPT that can distinguish between maternal and fetal (placental) DNA, leading to fewer false positives and fewer false negatives.
Collection-site Information
Laboratory collections for Panorama are currently available at these specific locations below:
City of Regina
2723 Avonhurst Dr.
Hours of operation:
Monday-Friday 7:00am–8:00pm (Extended Hours)
Saturday 7:00am-3:00pm Sunday 8:00am-3:00pm
City of Saskatoon
Midtown Medical Plaza
#5 – 39 23rd St. E
Hours of operation:
Monday-Friday 7:30am–4:30pm
Ordering Information
Turnaround time: 7-10 calendar days, once the sample has been received by our Toronto-based genetics laboratory. For more information please visit or contact us via: 1-84-GENE-HELP
(1-844-363-4357) I